Monday, June 23, 2008

Boating Season is here

Mom thinks I'll be a natural swimmer, but just in case, I tried on my lifejacket today. I hope I'm not the only dog wearing one.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Unveiling my new look

Try to top this look Zoolander! My widely anticipated world debut of my new look: BLUE STEEL.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Puppy Preschool-First Day of Class

I started Puppy Preschool today and did quite well. I was ahead of the class, since I already know "Sit". We had open puppy play to start with and I had lots of fun humping my classmates! At least I didn't drop a big steamer in the middle of class like another pup did. Our homework is to work on "Down" for next class. The trainer succumbed to my doodleness and told mom and dad that she is using me as an example dog next week. I was, by far, the best looking, smartest puppy in class.

Friday, June 6, 2008

"He's going to be a big boy!!"

Those were the words the vet spoke last night. Mom said, "yes, I know. Around 40-50 pounds". The vet looked at mom and said, "I'm guessing more like 60 or 70 pounds". Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I am going to be a MOOSE!!!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

I feel better today, thanks for asking.

I had my puppy shots this week in preparation for Puppy Preschool. I was fine most of the evening but overnight got really sick. I barfed about 6 or 7 times. On my bed, my blanket, my feet, mom's bedroom floor. After the last time mom cleaned me up and put me in bed with her. We both slept in the next day. I was lounging around all day and by afternoon perked up and played with the little girls across the street. Chicks dig Me, what can I say?

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

The swing is mine. Don't even think about it.

So mom and dad have this swing in the yard. I love sleeping underneath it. I feel like I'm in a cave looking out at the world and daring them to be more doodlicious than me. As if that is possible. Ok I was going for tough but this picture came out slightly scared instead.


Celebrity Status at the Vet

Mom had sent my picture to the Animal Hospital to let Dr. Margaret know we were coming. Upon our arrival, I was wisked away from mom so the entire staff could see the glorious doodle that is me. I start Puppy Preschool this weekend and the trainer introduced herself today. Soon she too will fall under my doodlous spell. Bring on the treats!!

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Spoiled Rotten!

This is my Nana Doodle. She came over my first day home with some super spicy pizza from Home Run Inn. Nana said said it would light my butt on fire so I didn't get to have any. It sure did smell good! And Nana lets me chew on her designer shoes. (They were a deal at the Rack so she didn't mind so much!)

Online shopping can be exhausting!

I have a graduation party coming up for a very important someone. I've been searching for the perfect gift but have to go cash.

Sometime you just need to stop and smell the flowers!

After a busy day it's nice to unwind. I love biting the heads of the peonies in the yard but mom prefers I smell them instead. They taste better than they smell!

Kinder Bear Doodle Dog

My name is Kinder and this is my blog. I am an Austalian Labradoodle with lots to say so listen up!