Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Pros and Cons of Karma

Sure. I was the #1 Doodle boy. Mr. Doodle. Kinder Boy. Then she shows up. Let's assess.


1. She is smaller than me and therefor I can outrun her and run her over as needed.

2. She ok to play tug of war with and chase around outside in the yard.

3. She does not know rules and gets yelled at more than me.

4. She is still crated. Enough said.


1. She is smaller than me and therefor elicits shrieks of "Oh isn't she PRECIOUS!?!" and "She is the CUTEST puppy EVER!" Seriously?

2. She is smaller than me but yet still manages to eat as much as me if not MORE. Those legs are getting any longer...that's all I'm saying.

3. She wants to sleep in bed. With ME!

4. She takes my bully stix.

5. She has a ridiculous bark.

6. She has managed to remove all of my facial hair. I look like a refugee who was attacked and shaved down, but only under my chin.

7. She follows me everywhere I go. Even when I'm trying to PEE!

Well. I'll let the numbers do the talking. Doodle